
Stem Cell Injections

Our stem cell treatments leverage the natural healing power of stem cells and deliver them in high concentrations to damaged cartilage, ligaments, tendons or tissues in the body. Stem cells reduce inflammation and speed up the body’s healing process, giving it the potential to heal itself naturally. Our team utilizes image-guided injections via ultrasounds or fluoroscopy, so the stem cell treatment is administered in as precise a location as possible.

Lipogems is our leading innovative stem cell therapy option that employs a precisely engineered device to create an injectable tissue made from your own adipose tissue reserves that provides remarkable cushioning and structural support benefits. The FDA rigorously reviewed the Lipogems System and has authorized the sale and clinical use of the product in the U.S. since 2014.

We also employ alternative procedures to harvest stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow or other ethical sources including amniotic fluid from consenting mothers delivering by C-Section (allograft). 

Our stem cell therapies are outpatient procedures, and patients return home the same day.

Quick Facts

  • Recommended for chronic injuries or Osteoarthritis
  • Administered through injections
  • Lasts approximately 45 minutes to one hour
  • Minimal downtime after procedure

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